11 Keys to Great Success in Life and Business – Key 2: Find Your Passion

Do what you love and love what you do, and you will never work another day in your life.

If you read about people who have experienced massive success, you will find that they were passionate about their pursuit.

In our industry, I talk with many people who seem to have not only lost the passion for what they do, but also seem to be “burned out.”

There are two significant challenges that cause people in our industry to burn out.

First, they are peddling products instead of selling solutions. People who peddle products sell by quoting prices. People who sell solutions can name their price. After a while most people who see themselves as peddlers of trinkets and trash, and seemingly competing with lower prices from internet providers, are not proud of what they do and experience burn out. People who see themselves and, in fact, are seen by their clients as true providers of value and solutions are loved by their clients, proud of what they do and love the business.

Second, they are doing the wrong stuff. They have become trapped in doing the stuff that makes them crazy, not wealthy. There are many tedious details in our business. Focusing on these details will not make people wealthy. These details will make people crazy and burned out. Learn to delegate or outsource the activities that won’t make you wealthy so you can find your path to building wealth for yourself, your family and your legacy.

To find your passion in this business, find your path to selling solutions, not products, and focus on wealth-building activities. Then you will love what you do and never work another day in your life.

The first of the 11 keys to great success was “Add Value.” Click here to read more and stay tuned for the next key to achieving great success in life and business: being extraordinary.

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